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Pond Island – TelEm Group CEO, Kendall Dupersoy, has dedicated a two-category win for St. Maarten’s premiere telecommunications provider in the Daily Herald Best-of-the-Best annual awards to the persons most deserving of recognition – the company’s employees themselves.

Mr. Dupersoy heaped praise on TelEm Group workers after learning the company had been voted #1 Telecommunication provider by Daily Herald readers and for the first time, Best TV provider for the services provided by TELTV+.

“We strive to be better each year and the recognition of the efforts our staff make on behalf of their customers is truly deserving of recognition as the “Best Telecommunication Provider” said Mr. Dupersoy, acknowledging that the company has now been voted to #1 sport for the sixth year in a row, including the year when there was no awards ceremony due to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.

Mr. Dupersoy says the popularity of TELTV+ is not only based on affordable pricing, but also on the fiber network upon which the service is delivered to customers.

Add the different package levels, local and regional program content and high-quality HD channels and you can understand why TELTV has become established in most households on St. Maarten.

“We are very proud of how we are developing our online TV service from the old CableTV analogue system to a brand-new digital system with high quality HD channels and even the ability to follow your favorite shows on other devices while on the go,” said TelEm Group CEO about the TELTV+ service.

He says the service is constantly improving, stating that only this week TELTV+ announced it will be bringing Pay-Per-View events to St. Maarten televiewers starting with the Curacao Tumba Festival that kicked off with the preliminary rounds on January 23.

The TelEm Group CEO says it has become something of a cliché to pour all the accolades on personnel for the public recognition, but seeing how some members of staff go above and beyond to keep their customers satisfied, is deserving of mention – a that message that he has relayed in a personal message to staff congratulating them for another year’s success in the eyes of the general public.

‘There are some exciting plans in the pipeline for the company that will make us even more customer-centric, with many new innovations, but for now we will accept the trust our customers and the public are putting in us with a BIG thank you for their double vote,” said the TelEm Group CEO, Mr. Dupersoy.