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Pond Island – TelEm Group will be throwing its doors open to the general public this Saturday, November 4th, 2023, to talk about the company’s products and services and learn more about their favorite telecommunication provider.

The invitation is to enjoy a “Full TelEm Experience” at the company’s two main branches on Pond Island and in Simpson Bay from 9:00 am in the morning until 5:00 pm.

The experience will include working demonstrations of how to follow TelEm Group Online and how to get access to a host of TelEm Group services, including Top-Up; Online payments and how to set up devices for social media notifications to get all the latest updates and information on the current Mobile, Internet and Data promotions.

TelEm Group says the Open House is being hosted on a Saturday rather than a workday, to make it more convenient for customers and members of the public who can spend some fun time with family and friends and welcoming TelEm Group staffers.

As well as information about the company and the products and services on offer, TelEm Group staffers will be giving a rousing welcome to all invited guests with some free giveaways. Snacks and drinks will be one sale and there will be some outdoor/indoor activities for children, who are also invited to come along with their parents and guardians.

The Open House will be rounded off with some sale specials on products and services which promoters of Saturday’s campaign say should not be missed. There is also door prize of a JBL Bluetooth speaker for a lucky winner attending the event.

Everyone is meantime invited to follow TelEm social media for first-hand information on all special offers.